Feather Meal

Feather Meal

Total Nitrogen (N)……….13.0%
13.0% Water Insoluble Nitrogen

Feather Meal, like blood meal, contains about 13 percent nitrogen, but it is derived from a different form of protein than blood meal. Keratin, a protein that occurs in hair, hoofs, horns and feathers, is relatively indigestible when fed to animals as protein or introduced to the soil as fertilizer. The structure of keratin is very tight and not easily broken down by soil or gut bacteria. But feather meal is softened with steam so that it is more digestible to both animals and soil organisms. This attribute makes feathers an excellent medium to long-term source of nitrogen.

The microorganisms that seem to be most adept at decomposing feathers are, coincidentally, found in the bird’s manure. Therefore, a mixture of feathers and poultry litter typically improves availability without significantly increasing costs . Applying Feather Meal along with Cheep Cheep will likely increase the efficiency of nitrogen in both materials.feather-meal

Our Feather meal is pelletized for dust reduction and ease of handling. It will dispense through most modern spreading equipment.

For more information, download the product label pdf.