Total Nitrogen (N)……………………….5.0%
1.0% Water Soluble Nitrogen
4.0% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available phosphate (P2O5)………….3.0%
Soluble potash (K2O)…………………..9.0%
Hemp could have been a billion-dollar crop back in the 1930s but the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 killed the entire industry. Farming hemp was briefly resurrected during WWII when it was needed for the war effort but the tax was reinstated after the war ended. Things got worse in 1970 when hemp became a Schedule I drug of the Controlled Substances Act. It’s amazing how attitudes can change when faced with facts…not fiction. Today, the industry is limited only by the availability of seeds and clones but it’s estimated that between 100,000 and 200,000 acres in the U.S. will be producing hemp in 2019.
Hemp is in the cannabis family and, without lab analysis, it’s virtually indistinguishable from its more potent cousin, marijuana. However, hemp can only contain 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana is often grown to contain as much THC as possible. Much of the hemp being cultivated is to produce cannabidiol (CBD) which is used as a dietary supplement and has become tremendously popular. CBD production requires female plants to flower and produce resins. Hemp can also be grown for fiber, fuel, feed, food, and building materials. Hemp plants have over 25,000 known uses and are potentially an eco-friendly alternative for crops produced on an industrial scale.
We’ve studied leaf tissue analysis of cannabis at every stage of growth and created a blend of natural mineral and organic ingredients that best suits its nutritional needs.For large acreage, broadcast 1,000-lbs Pro-Hemp/acre and lightly incorporate into the soil’s surface. Do not cultivate any deeper than 2-3 inches. For cannabis and smaller hemp applications, when transplanting, thoroughly mix ¼ cup Pro-Hemp in
each planting hole with surrounding soil. After planting, water with a 100:1 solution Stress-X. Sprinkle ½ cup of Pro-Hemp under the dripline when plants are 2-3 feet tall.
For more information, download the product label pdf.