North Country Organics GreenWalk is designed for use as a grass walkway between rows of nursery stock, apple trees, blueberries, raspberries, Christmas trees, etc. Its main benefit is once-a-year mowing in mid-June. Additionally it is a light feeder and does not significantly use fertilizer applied for the intended crop. Greenwalk provides a one-time, erosion resistant, alternative to herbicides for weed control in commercial perennial crops.
Contains: 100% Hard Fescue.
Area For Use: North of New York City.
Rate: 2-3 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
When To Plant: Apr 1 – Jun 10 or Aug 1 – Oct 1.
Notes: fall seeding is much preferred due to weed competition. GreenWalk germinates in reasonable time but establishes slowly.
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