UVM Lime applicaton table

UVM Lime applicaton table

The University of Vermont soil test report determines lime application rates based on reactive aluminum (Al). Use the table below to determine your lime application (tons/acre):

Soil pH Reactive AL (ppm) Tons/acre (Target pH = 6.5)
>6.7 0 0
6.2 – 6.7 0-40 0.5
>40 1.0
5.6 – 6.1 0-40 1.5
41-70 2.0
71-100 2.25
101-150 2.75
151-200 3.25
>200 4
<5.6 0-40 2.25
41-70 2.75
71-100 3.0
101-150 3.5
151-200 4
201-250 4.5
251-300 5
>300 6

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