Pro-Start 2-3-3

Pro-Start 2-3-3


Total Nitrogen (N)……………….2.0%
0.8% Water Soluble Nitrogen
1.2% Water Insoluble Nitrogen
Available phosphate (P2O5)…3.0%
Soluble Potash (K2O)……………3.0%

A natural, non-burning, eco-compatible starter fertilizer for any variety of seed or transplant.

PRO-START (2-3-3) – is an excellent choice for root crops, legume vegetables, perennials, flowering shrubs, mature fruit trees, legume hay (as a summer topdress), and as a starter fertilizer for any kind of seed or transplant. Many of our landscape customers use Pro-Start 2-3-3 exclusively for all of their new installations.


On Lawns
Pro-Start provides an excellent start for new seed or sod installations but can be used as a winterizer as well, It builds a thick and invasive root system filled with nutrient to last the winter and come up healthy and lush in the spring. A greater root system in lawns creates a thicker sod that naturally has a competitive edge over weeds. It also increases the lawn’s feeding efficiency and the percent of organic matter in the soil. As the organic matter increases, so does the soil’s nutrient and water holding capacity, along with a significant increase in biological activity. When populations of microorganisms are enhanced (the vast majority being beneficial) their activities create an endless list of benefits including: Nitrogen fixation, mobilization of normally unavailable nutrient, the dissolving of normally insoluble nutrient, aeration of the soil, and insect and disease suppression. Pro-Start 2-3-3 is the fall lawn fertilizer of choice for thin or damaged lawns. (NOTE: if the lawn is comprised of mostly clump varieties of turf, fall seeding in addition to the Pro-Start 2-3-3 may be necessary.)

On Vegetables
Pro-Start 2-3-3 is especially suited for root crops such as potatoes and carrots, and legumes like peas and beans. It boosts the size and quantity of root vegetables just as it enhances the root systems in lawns. Legumes that fix their own nitrogen respond to Pro-Start 2-3-3 with strong stalks and increased flowering for excellent production and quality. Commercial growers rave about Pro-Start’s yield of peas, potatoes, carrots, beets, beans and onions. Eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and other crops that blossom are also very responsive to Pro-Start 2-3-3.

On Perennials
Professional perennial growers are equally divided on which of our two blends, Pro-Gro 5-3-4 or Pro-Start 2-3-3, are better for their flowers. The difference is subtle but tests in our perennial plots show Pro-Start 2-3-3 gives a greater number of blossoms and slightly shorter, stronger stalks. Either one is a wise choice for perennial production.

On Landscape Applications
Some of our landscape customers insist that Pro-Start 2-3-3 is the only way to go for new installations. Its ability to enhance root systems in any kind of plant lowers mortality rate and shortens that transition period when plants are so susceptible to stress. It’s non-burning formula makes it ideal for inexperienced employees.

Pro-Start 2-3-3 is the landscapers forgotten friend. After the installation is done, it nurtures the plant into quick recovery from transplant shock and adaptation into its new environment. Then its slow release feature continues to enhance the plants’ health and vitality, adding more credit for quality work long after the landscaper has left the job. Its non-burning formula puts managers at ease at times when they are unable to supervise inexperienced help. Landscapers who use Pro-Start 2-3-3 for new plantings are the first to proclaim that its the only logical choice.

On Ornamental And Mature Fruit Trees
Because most blossoming trees create their sets the year before they flower, it is important to use a natural slow release source of all the essential nutrients. If too much plant food is available at any one time, the tree will direct its energy toward new wood growth and thick foliage, significantly reducing the number of ower sets. The big advantage to using Pro-Start 2-3-3 is that its primary purpose is to feed the soil and let nature make the necessary nutrient available at the appropriate time and rate. Because of extremely variable weather and soil conditions which no one is able to predict, conventional fertilization can never completely address the trees needs. Pro-Start 2-3-3 relinquishes control of how and when to release nutrient to nature. The timing and rate of release then vary naturally according to the changing conditions. Its the only bloomin way to go.

On New Seedings And Transplants
Starting plants is this products namesake. There is no substitute for Pro-Start 2-3-3 when it comes to starting seeds or young transplants. Whether it is fruit, vegetables, flowers, perennials, forage or nursery stock, no other fertilizer can compare to the gentle, natural way Pro-Start 2-3-3 persuades a plant to grow. Pro-Start 2-3-3 is recommended over Pro-Gro 5-3-4 for incorporation into potting soil. For potting soil, thoroughly mix 3 – 16 oz./ft³ or 5 – 30 lbs/yd³ (depending on the nutrient needs of the plants being grown).

This product is blended from the following list of natural ingredients:

  • Greensand
  • Bone Char
  • Sulfate of potash
  • Vegetable protein meal such as Peanut meal
  • Animal protein meal such as Feather meal

OMRI LISTED™ – View OMRI Certificate

For more information, download the product label pdf.

PRO-START – View SDS (pdf)