Calculate Lime Application

Calculate Lime Application

This form’s target pH = 6.5. Please check our pH Ranges for Plants to see if 6.5 pH is outside of the appropriate range.
Note: Limit lime application to no more than 2.5 tons/acre/application. Maximum two applications/year if done spring and fall.

If using a University of Vermont soil test where none of the values needed above are given, Use the form below to determine your CEC, acidity, and a lime application rate (tons/acre) based on calculated values. NOTE: It’s unlikely that the lime application rate suggested in this form will match UVM’s recommendation which is based on reactive aluminum (Al). Click To view UVM’s Lime Application Rate Table.

What type of lime should you use? First, determine your calcium:magnesium ratio

Use calcitic lime if the Ca:Mg ratio is below 7:1
Use dolomitic lime if the Ca:Mg ratio is above 10:1

If the Ca:Mg ratio is in between 7 and 10, look at the base saturation of Mg and Ca. If Ca saturation is below 65%, use calcitic lime. If Mg saturation is below 10 %, use dolomitic lime. If both are above or both are below these minimums, use calcitic lime. Most calcium lime in the Northeast contains 3-5 percent Mg so some Mg is usually being applied.